Taylor Wimpey and Rockspring Barwood have submitted an outline planning application to Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC) for the first phase of development on the land North of Tollerton (Tollerton Lane airport area).

Comprising of up to 2,250 dwellings, a primary school, a local centre, retail shop, green infrastructure/associated buildings, childrens play areas, and infrastructure (drainage and engineering and demolition works).  
The Parish Councillors will review together and submit a consultee comment on the above proposal but also urge residents to view the proposal and comment directly on this application by visiting the Rushcliffe Borough Council planning website, application reference: 20/03244/OUT no later than 5th February 2021 – https://planningon-line.rushcliffe.gov.uk/online-applications/ 


Prior to this the Parish Council has collated resident views and has had several meetings with the developers to emphasise the need for more detail about a number of aspects of the development – the Parish Council will be carefully reviewing the application submitted to RBC, also liaising with Tollerton’s Neighbourhood Planning Group and TABU Group (Tollerton Against Backdoor Urbanisation).  
We will continue to liaise/workshop with the developers and Rushcliffe Borough Council.   
If you would like to contact the parish council on this please email: parishcouncil@tollertonparishcouncil.gov.uk